Vibrant Outdoors Got More Than Just Streamlined Mulch Placement

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In the competitive world of landscaping, efficiency and quality are key. Vibrant Outdoors, a reputable landscaping company in Indiana, was struggling to get projects done on time. The amount of man hours it took to install landscaping materials was taxing their team and their timelines.

Although they had hired a larger team and added extra cushion into their project timelines, they still weren’t satisfied with the results. They knew there had to be a better way to get projects done faster without sacrificing quality.

The Problem with Manual Material Placement

Vibrant Outdoors isn’t the only landscaping company that struggles to meet internal deadlines.

The problem with manual material placement is that you need your whole team to show up at 100% every day to stay on schedule. There is no time to account for injuries, illnesses, or those unexpected appointments that pop up on all of our calendars.

In the landscaping world, weather truly dictates the schedule. A week of rain can throw off your entire summer timeline!

Consistently adding more people to your team, and time to your projects, limits the amount of work you can take on and the amount of profit you can bring in. Blown-in material placement streamlines the process so that you can get more done in less time.

Time for a Superior Solution 

Pierre, from Vibrant Outdoors, had attempted to solve their timeline issues by increasing crew sizes and adjusting timelines but he still wasn’t satisfied with the results. He wanted to find a more efficient way to install landscaping materials and so they could take on more projects.

One day, he walked into the Superior Groundcover Indianapolis office to inquire about our services and the rest was history. 

The Benefits of Streamlined Mulch Placement

When we met Pierre, he had a lot of questions. We focused on understanding his challenges and communicating clearly about how our efficient, blown-in mulch services could make a big difference for Vibrant Outdoors.  

After our initial conversation, he still had some reservations. Seeing the results at previous sites left him reassured and ready to try something new.

The Blown-In Mulch Difference

After working with us, Pierre knew he was onto something much bigger than just a solution for their timeline troubles. By partnering with Superior, Vibrant Outdoors got:

  • Clear Communication: Superior Groundcover is known for our consistent and transparent communication. Our team engaged with Pierre and the rest of the Vibrant Outdoors team regularly to make sure our work and timelines aligned with their expectations.
  • Hands-Free Mulch Placement: Pierre and his team were able to put down their shovels and park the small machines. Their project sites were beautifully mulched faster than ever and they didn’t have to do a thing. Instead, we took care of all the mulch details while their team took on other projects.

Our team of expert operators used blower trucks to place mulch at the Vibrant Outdoors project sites much faster than they could by hand.

Vibrant Outdoors didn’t have to worry about delays, going over budget on man hours or cleaning up after the mulch placement was done. We did it all so that they could do other work. 

Superior Results

With our blown-in mulch services, Vibrant Outdoors was able to:

  • Get More Done in Less Time: Since they no longer had to allocate man hours to mulch placement, their team was able to get projects done faster and fill their schedules with more profitable work.
  • Increase Customer Satisfaction: Timely project completion=happy customers. Without all the unpredictable factors at play, Vibrant Outdoors was finally able to give clients a completion date and stick to it.
  • Save Money: While it’s still early in our partnership, Pierre predicts that Vibrant Outdoors will have substantial cost savings thanks to the increased material placement efficiency.
  • Grow the Business: Our successful collaboration allowed Vibrant Outdoors to seek out more work and further growth opportunities.

Pierre came to us looking for a solution to a timeline problem and walked away with a few unexpected perks that will help Vibrant Outdoors continue to grow.

Grow Your Business with Blown-In Mulch Placement

By partnering with Superior Groundcover, Vibrant Outdoors transformed their mulch placement process from a constant bottleneck to a hands-off, worry-free solution. Now, they can focus on growth and using their team for more profitable work. Together, we’ve set a new standard for their project timelines and processes.

The owners and project managers at Vibrant Outdoors were so pleased with the results of our partnership that they began introducing Superior to other landscaping professionals in the area.

Our partnership shows the importance of never settling for sub-par solutions. Innovation and collaboration may be exactly what you need to overcome your business barriers and reach your revenue and growth goals.

If you are tired of struggling to get projects done on time, finding enough team members to do all the work, and wasting thousands of dollars on manual mulch placement, reach out to Superior Groundcover today

It is always the perfect time to find new solutions to the old problems that are keeping you stuck. Get more efficient, streamlined mulch placement with Superior Groundcover.