Compost and Seed Services

Compost Filter Socks on a sloping shoreline
erosion control

Compost & Seed

Superior’s Compost Erosion Control Blanket combines nutrient-rich compost mixed with high-quality seed to create the perfect environment for quick vegetation establishment and slope stabilization.

Compost Filter Socks around shore outcropping
after erosion control work on a residential pond

Superior installs the compost, and then spreads it across the ground with either seed mixed in (thin top-dress application) or incorporates seed into the existing soil to build up the organic content of the soil. The stronger the organic content of the soil, the more erosion can be prevented.

compost landscape applications

Slinger / Conveyor

Superior Groundcover’s slinger fleet allows us to quickly install various types of aggregate and even compost with precision up to 70 feet from the truck.

Compost and Seed services are best installed in early fall. Early spring is also good, but early fall is most ideal.

Retaining Wall Backfill
Landscape Beds
Erosion Control
• Roadside Fill

compost spreading
compost and seed spreading

Benefits to Using Compost for Erosion Control

  • Increasing water infiltration into the soil surface
  • Reducing runoff
  • Increasing plant growth & soil cover
  • Increasing water holding capacity of the soil
  • Buffering pH levels
  • New vegetation can be established in the compost
Erosion Control Services
Compost & Seed Fact Sheet PDF